Nuria Lamsdorff Art


The dome The dome

The dome view at day time, the marine animals aren't visible. It is a private appartment 33 ft. diameter and 20 ft. high in the middle part. Colombo, Sri Lanka 2004.

The dome The dome

The dome view under UV ligt, the marine animals appear; they are painted with UV reactive invisible paint.

The dome The dome

The dome view under UV light, shoal of fish, whaleshark and jellyfish.

The dome The dome

The dome view from the entrance.

See more The dome

The dome view under UV light, detail of the whaleshark.

The dome The dome

The dome renovation 2019.

The dome The dome

The dome view from top.

The dome The dome

The dome new marin animals.

The dome The dome

The dome new and bigger whaleshark.

The dome The dome

The dome, swordfish and shark.

The dome The dome

The dome, invisible swordfish.

The dome The dome

The dome, invisible small whaleshark.

The dome The dome

The dome, jellyfish and small whaleshark.

The Dome
Corridor Casa Colombo Corridor Casa Colombo

Fluorescent mural painting on the floor and the walls of a corridor in Casa Colombo Hotel. The corridor is always lit with UV light. Sri Lanka 2007

Corridor Casa Colombo detail Corridor Casa Colombo detail

Detail of the wall, lotus leaves and butterflies

Corridor Casa Colombo detail Corridor Casa Colombo detail

Detail of the wall, lotus flower and butterflies

Corridor Casa Colombo detail Corridor Casa Colombo detail

Butterflies on the walls

See more Corridor Casa Colombo detail

Detail of the floor, lotus leaves, flowers and fish

Corridor Casa Colombo detail Corridor Casa Colombo detail

Detail of the wall, pink lotus flower and leaf

Corridor Casa Colombo detail Corridor Casa Colombo detail

Detail of the floor, lotus leaves and frog

Corridor Casa Colombo detail Corridor Casa Colombo detail

Detail of the wall, white lotus.

Corridor Casa Colombo
Baby room Baby room

Fluorescent mural painting in a baby's bedroom, tropical island with underwater scene and starry sky. Spain 2013

Baby room Baby room

View under UV light.

Baby room Baby room

Left side wall, rocks, palm trees, beach, parrot, fish and corals.

Baby room Baby room

Right side wall on UV light, dolphins, fish, turtle, starry sky and moon.

See more Baby room

Detail of clownfishes and coral under day light.

Baby room Baby room

Detail of clownfishes and coral under UV light.

Baby room
Landscape Landscape

Painting on canvas 6,5ft wide, fluorescent, seen in daylight. Sri Lanka 2007.

Landscape Landscape

The painting seen under UV light changes as a night landscape.

Landscape Landscape

Detail of the landscape in day light.

Landscape Landscape

Detail of the landscape in UV light, a volcano, the moon and stars appear.

See more Landscape

Detail of a couple bathing and making fire in day light.

Landscape Landscape

Detail of a couple bathing and making fire in the night.

Landscape Landscape

Detail of the girl bathing in day light.

Landscape Landscape

Detail of the girl bathing at night.

Landscape Landscape

Detail of the boy making fire in day light.

Landscape Landscape

Detail of the boy making fire at night.

Landscape Landscape

Detail of a tree in day light.

Landscape Landscape

Detail of the tree at night under UV light where a fairy appears.

Landscape fluor
Aquatic livingroom Aquatic livingroom

Mural painting on a wall of a livingroom, fluorescent underwater scene with fish and corals, seen in daylight. Sri Lanka 2011.

Aquatic livingroom Aquatic livingroom

Mural painting on a wall of a livingroom, fluorescent underwater scene with fish and corals, seen under UV light.

Aquatic livingroom Aquatic livingroom

Detail of a lionfish seen in daylight.

Aquatic livingroom Aquatic livingroom

Detail of a lionfish seen under UV light.

See more Aquatic livingroom

Detail of the fishes and corals seen in daylight.

Aquatic livingroom Aquatic livingroom

Detail of the fishes and corals seen in UV light.

Aquatic livingroom
Chinese landscape Chinese landscape

Mural painting for a chinese restaurant, fluorescent, 15ft wide 2,8ft tall, seen in daylight. Sri lanka 2012

Chinese landscape Chinese landscape

Mural painting for a chinese restaurant, fluorescent, 15ft wide 2,8ft tall, seen under UV light.

Chinese landscape Chinese landscape

Detail of chinese landscape mural painting seen in daylight, left side.

Chinese landscape Chinese landscape

Detail of chinese landscape mural painting seen under UV light, left side.

See more Chinese landscape

Detail of chinese landscape mural painting seen in daylight, left middle side.

Chinese landscape Chinese landscape

Detail of chinese landscape mural painting seen under UV light, left middle side.

Chinese landscape Chinese landscape

Detail of chinese landscape mural painting seen in daylight, right side.

Chinese landscape Chinese landscape

Detail of chinese landscape mural painting seen under UV light, right side.

Chinese landscape Chinese landscape

Detail of chinese landscape mural painting seen in daylight, right middle side.

Chinese landscape Chinese landscape

Detail of chinese landscape mural painting seen under UV light, right middle side.

Chinese landscape